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Outdoor Meditation

Programa de Reducción de Estrés Basado en Mindfulness 

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The 8-week stress reduction course, including a 90-minute orientation and day-long retreat, is based on intensive training in mindfulness. This course is being offered via Zoom. 26 CEUs upon completion.

First Orientation Session October 6, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST - ONLINE
Second Orientation Session October 13, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EST - ONLINE

Course Dates 

6:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST

Thursday, October 20, 27

Thursday, November 3, 10, 17
Thursday, December 1, 8, 15

Day Long Retreat, Sunday November 20

Tuition: $275

Scholarships are available, with special consideration for the BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and others underrepresented in our community.
Please email for more information.

Description of the Course


The 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course was initially targeted to individuals with chronic health problems, helping them to cope with the effects of pain, illness and the impact of these conditions on their lives. Today MBSR is taught to people throughout the world who are experiencing challenges in all areas of life. Professionals can earn 26 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) upon completion. The motivation for many to enroll in MBSR begins with a sense of wanting to live in a way that incorporates key aspects of mindfulness, presence, awareness, and a sense of being in touch with oneself. Through the regular training in mindfulness that an MBSR course offers, participants become familiar with their own behavior patterns, especially in relation to stressful situations. They also learn that though they cannot always change the circumstances in which they find themselves, they can choose how to respond to them. In MBSR this process is described as going from reacting to responding, with the latter involving a clearer perception of the circumstances through being in touch with the thoughts, sensations and emotions that are present.

Course Type

Experiential program for small or large groups, with systematic training on mindfulness and meditation practices. The standard MBSR course consists of eight, weekly sessions of 2.5 to 3 hours each, plus an all-day session after the sixth week that includes a full day of mindfulness practice in a modified retreat format.

Each session starts with a mindfulness exercise that the participants have learned during the weekly sessions. The main exercises of the MBSR program are the body scan, gently yoga, and sitting meditation. Through the course of the program, participants will practice one of these exercises every day. In addition, there are various exercises centered on incorporating mindfulness practice into daily life. Other exercises train mindful awareness in relation to thoughts, sensations, and emotions.

Each session focuses on a particular topic that is explored with specific exercises, as well as presentations from the teacher and in dialogue among the group participants. Some topics in an MBSR course are mindful communication, working with difficult emotions, and how perception influences our relationship to stressful events,

There's also time for participants to share what they experienced during the exercises as well as to talk about their daily mindfulness practice outside class. 

Learning Objectives

1. A broad repertoire of informal and formal  meditation and mindfulness practices and cultivate a systematic way to integrate them in their everyday lives.

2. Approach your life with more composure, energy, understanding and enthusiasm.

3. Develop the ability to cope more effectively with both short-term and long-term stressful
situations, gaining insight into response rather than reaction.

4. Enhance your ability to manage and reduce pain levels.

5. Improve your focus, resilience, and capacity to recover quickly from challenging events.

6. Cultivate a natural capacity to actively engage in caring for yourself and find greater balance, ease, and peace of mind.

7. Articulate the key aspects of mindfulness as it relates to stress reduction, coping with pain and
illness and enhancing well-being

8. Practice and apply mindfulness techniques in both personal and professional settings as a means of contending more effectively with the demands of life, and to facilitate more effective and mindful

About the Instructor

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Patricio Barriga has more than 30 years of experience in global business development as an entrepreneur, consultant, and coach. He is a certified MBSR teacher receiving his training from the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Healthcare and Society; University of Massachusetts Medical School and The Mindfulness Center; and Brown University School of Public Health, Senior Instruct of CARE, Cultivating Awareness and Resilience for Educators. Additional training includes completion of the Center of Mindful Self Compassion curriculum and certification as instructor for Mindfulness without Borders program for youth and educators. 

Patricio serves as an International Relations Coordinator and Senior Instructor with the Institute for Mindful Leadership. He has been developing his Mindful Leadership experience for the last ten years. Patricio has been presenting and teaching workshops, retreats, seminars, and keynotes in schools, universities, congresses, and corporations, in Europe, US, and South America. He is a bilingual native Spanish speaker. He is interested in contributing to further develop Mindfulness programs to the world.

CE Credit Guidelines

  • APA: The HeartWell Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education credits for psychologists. The HeartWell Institute maintains responsibility for this program and content.


  • NBCC ACEP: The HeartWell Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider ACEP No. 7058. Programs that do not qualify for CE credit are clearly identified. The HeartWell Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. 


  • NASW - MA Chapter: Application for social work continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact us at for the status of social work CE accreditation. 


  • MA-DESE: The HeartWell Institute is an approved provider for Professional Development Points (PDPs) for educators. PDPs are awarded after a minimum of 10 hours of programming has been completed. Programs can be combined for this purpose.

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