Articles About Social Justice

A Tale of Three Cities: The State Of Racial Justice In Chicago Report
Authors: Kasey Henricks • Amanda E. Lewis • Iván Arenas • Deana G. Lewis
Henricks, K., Lewis, A. E., Arenas, I., & Lewis, D. G. (2018, October 12). A Tale of Three Cities: The State of Racial Justice in Chicago Report.
Is race still relevant? Student perceptions and experiences of racism in higher education
Authors: Billy Wong • Reham Elmorally • Meggie Copsey-Blake • Ellie Highwood • Joy Singarayer
Billy Wong, Reham Elmorally, Meggie Copsey-Blake, Ellie Highwood & Joy Singarayer (2021) Is race still relevant? Student perceptions and experiences of racism in higher education, Cambridge Journal of Education, 51:3, 359-375, DOI: 10.1080/0305764X.2020.1831441
The social ambiguity of money: empirical evidence on the multiple usability of money in social life
Authors: Klaus Kraemer • Luka Jakelja • Florian Brugger • Sebastian Nessel
Klaus Kraemer, Luka Jakelja, Florian Brugger & Sebastian Nessel (2022) The social ambiguity of money: empirical evidence on the multiple usability of money in social life, Review of Social Economy, DOI: 10.1080/00346764.2022.2076150
Distributive justice and equity in transportation
Authors: Rafael H. M. Pereira • Tim Schwanen • David Banister
Pereira, R. H. M., Schwanen, T., & Banister, D. (2016, November 4). Distributive justice and equity in transportation.
Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy
Authors: Jana Bacevic
Bacevic, J. (2021, July 20). Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy.
Do media literacies approach equity and justice
Authors: Paul Mihailidis • Patrick Johnson • Emily Riewestahl • Bobbie Foster • Melissa Tully • Srividya Ramasubramanian • Sydney Angove
Mihailidis, P., Ramasubramanian, S., Tully, M., Foster, B., Riewestahl, E., Johnson, P., & Angove, S. (2021). Do media literacies approach equity and justice?. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13 (2), 1-14.
On the street where I live:
Mapping a spectrum of antiracist messages and meaningsAuthors: Carla Chamberlin
Chamberlin, C. (2021). On the street where I live: Mapping a spectrum of antiracist messages and meanings. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(2), 15-28.
Como no Overlook?(Spanish article)
Authors: Sérgio José Custódio
Custódio, S. J. (2021, September 22). Como no Overlook?.
Promoting proactive bystander responses to racism and racial discrimination in primary schools: A mixed methods feasibility and acceptability study of the ‘Speak Out Against Racism’ program
Authors: Naomi Priest • Oishee Alam • Mandy Truong • Rachel Sharples • Jacqueline Nelson • Kevin Dunn • Kate L Francis • Yin Paradies • Anne Kavanagh
Priest, N., Alam, O., Truong, M., Sharples, R., Nelson, J., Dunn, K., … Kavanagh, A. (2020, November 9). Promoting proactive bystander responses to racism and racial discrimination in primary schools: A mixed methods feasibility and acceptability study of the ‘Speak Out Against Racism’ program.
Charity and Social Justice
Authors: Jane Addams
Addams, J. (1910). Charity and Social Justice. The North American Review, 192(656), 68–81.
Writing for social justice: Journalistic strategies for catalyzing agentic engagement among Latinx middle school students through media education
Authors: Jane Addams
Guldin, R., Madison, E., & Anderson, R. (2021). Writing for social justice: Journalistic strategies for catalyzing agentic engagement among Latinx middle school students through media education. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(2), 71-85.
Training Public Health Students in Racial Justice and Health Equity: A Systematic Review
Authors: Caroline E. Chandler • Caitlin R. Williams • MSPH, Mallory W. Turner •MSPH, Meghan E. Shanahan PhD
Chandler, C. E., Williams, C. R., Turner, M. W., & Shanahan, M. E. (2022). Training Public Health Students in Racial Justice and Health Equity: A Systematic Review. Public Health Reports, 137(2), 375–385.
Media, making & movement: Bridging media literacy and racial justice through critical media project
Authors: Alison Trope • Dj Johnson • Stefanie Demertriades
Trope, A., Johnson, DJ, & Demetriades, S. (2021). Media, making & movement: Bridging media literacy and racial justice through critical media project. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13(2), 43- 54.
Transnational Return and Social Change: Hierarchies, Identities, and Ideas
Authors: Victor Roudometof
Roudometof, V. (2021). Transnational Return and Social Change: Hierarchies, Identities, and Ideas. Contemporary Sociology, 50(1), 27–28.
Training Public Health Students in Racial Justice and Health Equity: A Systematic Review
Authors: Caroline E. Chandler • Caitlin R. Williams • MSPH, Mallory W. Turner •MSPH, Meghan E. Shanahan PhD
Chandler, C. E., Williams, C. R., Turner, M. W., & Shanahan, M. E. (2022). Training Public Health Students in Racial Justice and Health Equity: A Systematic Review. Public Health Reports, 137(2), 375–385.
Teaching Social Justice: Intergenerational Service Learning in a Digital Media Course
Authors: Margaret O. Finucane • Linda M. Seiter • Nathan C. Gehlert
Read it Here
Finucane, M. O., Seiter, L. M., & Gehlert, N. C. (2018). Teaching Social Justice: Intergenerational Service-Learning in Digital Media Course. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10(1), 148-158.
Appearance Bias and Crime
Authors: Kat Albrecht
Albrecht, K. (2021). Appearance Bias and Crime. Contemporary Sociology , 50(1), 30–31.
Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life
Authors: Sarah Esther Lageson
Lageson, S. E. (2021). Captivating Technology: Race, Carceral Technoscience, and Liberatory Imagination in Everyday Life. Contemporary Sociology , 50(1), 28–29.
Poverty, Literacy, and Social Transformation: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Digital Divide
Authors: Amy J. Bach • Todd Wolfson • Jessica K. Crowell
Bach, A. J., Wolfson, T., & Crowell, J. K. (2018). Poverty, Literacy, and Social Transformation: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Digital Divide. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 10 (1), 22-41.
On the street where I live: Mapping a spectrum of antiracist messages and meanings
Authors: Carla Chamberlin
Chamberlin, C. (2021). On the street where I live: Mapping a spectrum of antiracist messages and meanings. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 13 (2), 15-28.
Border-Crossing: Immigration Law, Racism and Justified Resistance
Authors: Guy Aitchison
Aitchison, G. (2021). Border-Crossing: Immigration Law, Racism and Justified Resistance. Political Studies.